The Future of Work: Insights from the US Staffing Industry

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Job Seekerstaffing August 31, 2023

The Future of Work: Insights from the US Staffing Industry

Just like technologies change, the world of work shifts also changes over time. So, what do you picture with the future of work? Are organizations and Departments full of robots and automation? Or Full-time Work-From-Home scenarios?

Well, no one can predict the future.

But, according to the Future of Work, 2022 research found that only 26% of CEOs have a future-ready strategy that significantly focused on bringing a paradigm shift on why, how, and where we work. However, with the growing forces of disruption, it’s inevitable to adapt to the changing reforms and shape your future of work to thrive in the market.

But, what does the future of work mean?

The future of work refers to sharing an informed perspective on how the work patterns and trends could shift from semi to fully automated and which businesses or organizations should prep up for such changes irrespective of small, medium-sized, or multi-scale organization.

The Future Of Work In The Staffing Industry

It is said that the revolution toward the future of work in the Staffing Industry brings opportunities for both workplaces and workforces. It is shaped by two powerful forces -:

  • The Adoption of AI in the workplace
  • The Expansion of the open talent continuum

Such forces could lead organizations to reconsider the roles of individuals at work and add significant value to that by unlocking the power of AI and disruptive automation.

Let’s unpack how technological transformation will impact the workforce and Staffing firms in the USA and bring massive opportunities to the future of work -:

Insights from the US staffing industry for the future of work

1. Collecting and Evaluating Employee data to support their productivity

Some of the Staffing companies in New York like Relig Staffing is leveraging emerging technologies like wearables, AI assistants, IoT devices, and more for collecting data on employee’s living conditions, mental and physical health, family environment, sleep patterns, fitness, and more for responding effectively and personally to their needs. This creates a looming privacy crisis and such a situation can directly affect the productivity of your employee at the workplace. 

Organizations will be more concerned about their employee and surrounding and support them at the need of an hour. In 2023 and the coming years, employers will prioritize transparency and employee data collection and storage to trigger their productivity and boost their concentration at all levels.

2. Focusing on employee well bring expected sustainable performance

82% of employees believe it is important for their organization to see them as a whole person rather than just an employee.  

Many people, including current and new employees, are still struggling with mental health issues due to recent societal, economic, and political turmoil that happened during the Pandemic. 

Experiencing this can lead to a significant decrease in productivity and performance, as well as a heightened likelihood of angry outbursts, abrupt resignations, workplace conflicts, and sudden declines in performance. However, according to Gartner’s 2023 work trends forecast, the best employee-friendly organizations emphasize on -:

A.) Proactive resting

  • Arranging no meetings on Fridays
  • Allocating wellness time during working hours
  • Paid Time Off (PTO) after high demand working period

B) Discussion opportunities

Giving opportunities to every employee to present their resentment and challenges faced at work without judgment or any consequences.

C) Trauma counselors

Onboarding trauma counselors at the workplace for handling conflicts and having difficult conversations with and between employees.

  1. Algorithmic bias concerns lead to more transparency in recruiting tech

Organizations that use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in their hiring processes often lead to Algorithmic bias. As a result, every organization must increase transparency and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as their salient features.

They should screen, assess and rank candidates based on ML and ensure that their AI hiring practices are allied with ethical principles and legal standards.


The future of work is happening now in the Staffing Industry. Hire Relig Staffing now to build new models and hire the best candidate effectively to strengthen the environment at your workplace.

Our global team of Relig Staffing will work closely with you to bring transformation to your organization by enriching the relationship between people, technology, and the future.