Top Ways to Attract Passive Job Seekers

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Job Seekerstaffing June 10, 2023

Top Ways to Attract Passive Job Seekers

Do you want to recruit a passive candidate for your organization?

Various companies often devote ample of their time and resource to recruiting active job seekers. They often overlook the potential of reaching out to passive job seekers. Because why would passive job candidates consider switching at any random point in time?

Confusing, right? Let’s have a quick overview of these potential resources!

Who are Passive Job Seekers?

Passive job seekers are those candidates who are not actively looking for a job. They have suitable qualifications and experience and may be interested in discussing opportunities if the right one comes along. Since passive candidates make little or no effort in finding employment, they can be more challenging to identify. 

You may think that if passive candidates aren’t applying for a job, they must not be interested in it. But, in the real sense, they are waiting for the right opportunity. So, if you focus on attracting such candidates, you can save a lot of resources and time in vetting as they don’t say yes to all opportunities and accept positions only by choice, not by necessity.

But, how to attract Passive Job Seekers for your organization?

1. Create hype internally

Build hype internally through employee referral programs as these are a cost-effective recruitment strategy. Such programs can reduce your organization’s average time to fill.

Referrals are not only an important source for finding superior candidates but can also yield significant retention rates. By leveraging the employee referral program, as an employer, you can tap into a pool of qualified passive candidates to hire the best fit for your organization.

2.Use Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are the best ways to keep your company at the top of the mind recall. Such a campaign collects candidate data and reaches out to them again as per their interest. 

This will help you in improving the visibility of your company and increase the chances of attracting passive job seekers.

3. Emphasize Branding, Culture, and Growth Potential 

Focus on what makes your organization unique and why it is the most rewarding place to work. It’s very important to make your brand or company stand out from the pack so that you can easily attract passive job seekers for your organization. 

Career growth and professional development are the major reasons for a job change. While cultural fit still ranks at the top when selecting the right company.

So, realistically, when you pitch passive candidates, don’t sell a position. Instead, emphasize company culture, better prospects, and growth opportunities. Try this and, you will see a corresponding uptick in your application.

The Final Words

Surely active candidates might be easier to recruit. However, looking at the landscape of competitive hiring, passive candidate hiring becomes the most rewarding recruitment strategy. All you have to do is offer something substantial that the current company is not delivering and, that’s how you can win your best passive candidates.

Above all, if you’re looking for a hassle-free recruitment strategy for passive candidate hiring, call Relig Staffing– a Trusted Staffing Company in the USA!

We’re here to scout passive candidates for your organization.